Bangladesh Reconditioned Vehicles Importers and Dealers Association(BARVIDA)
Benazir Ahmed (Alak)
Cultural Secretary, BARVIDA 2019-2021

Bangladesh Reconditioned Vehicles Importers and Dealers Association (BARVIDA) is the National Trade Organization for Country's reconditioned vehicles importers and dealers. Currently we have nearly 900 active members.

When the whole world is moving forward with the use of information technology, we wanted BARVIDA to do the same. Our main objective was to create an online platform, which will bring all the members of BARVIDA together as well as sharing quality information among the members.

Adopting information technology in different operational activities is essential for any organization. It helps an organization to be more productive, cost efficient and ultimately, achieving the organization’s goal become easier. I strongly believe that, with the help of this new technology implementation, BARVIDA will be more efficient than ever.

Automation is the way forward and we have to accept this. Without using digital technologies, it will be tough for any business to survive in near future. I strongly encourage all our members to think about business process automation.

New technology implementation is challenging but continuous innovation is more challenging. I am ready to take this challenge to make BARVIDA and reconditioned business ready for the future.

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